On May 26
On May 26, 2020, Pope Francis approved a decree recognizing a miracle attributed to the intercession of Father McGivney. A much-anticipated step toward sainthood, the pope’s approval opens the way for Father McGivney to be beatified and declared Blessed.
Presently, he is a Venerable Servant of God, a title bestowed on March 15, 2008, when his heroic virtue was recognized by Pope Benedict XVI. This important step occurred after years of careful investigation of Father McGivney’s life, spirituality and holiness by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. The declaration of Venerable confirmed what those who knew him in life, and others who call upon him since his death, have believed about Father McGivney: He lived a life of heroic virtue with an extraordinary love of God and neighbor.
The declaration of “Venerable” confirms what those who knew him in life, and others who call upon him since his death, have believed about Father McGivney: He lived a life of heroic virtue with an extraordinary love of God and neighbor.
The cause has now entered a new and exciting phase, with the beatification ceremony expected to take place in the Archdiocese of Hartford in the winter od 2020. A second confirmed miracle through the intercession of Father McGivney is needed for canonization and sainthood.
All Knights and their families, as well as all those devoted to Father McGivney, are asked to pray for his intercession in their daily needs, especially in cases of serious illness, and to report any favors and healings to the Guild. You may submit your reports here.